Deck the Halls with Danger by Tasmin Turner

Deck the Halls with Danger by Tasmin Turner

Author:Tasmin Turner [Turner, Tasmin]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781738616411
Published: 2023-12-14T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter 8

Boundaries and Chemistry

Kit glanced at her wristwatch as she walked briskly toward the car park. Thanks to Eva’s flexible work schedule policy, she could drive out to Lake Badovc and make it back before Paige noticed she had ever left. She climbed into her four-wheel-drive service jeep, crucial for navigating the area’s icy back roads. With GPS coordinates from Sergei guiding her, the drive from Pristina to Lake Badovc clocked just over thirty minutes. Exiting the city’s major arterial route, she steered onto narrower roads, feeling the urban hum yield to nature’s muted ranquility.

When Kit arrived, she got out of the jeep and brought her flashlight—this season, darkness rushed in quickly. She spotted the boat, moored tranquilly by the pier, and made her way toward it. Hidden in a secluded bay, the ship’s dark hull seamlessly merged with the glossy, black surface, deterring any undesired attention.

Sergei appeared from the dark, hand outstretched. Kit took it, stepping onto the deck. A silent, shared isolation settled over them, thick as the oncoming night. Sergei’s glance met hers in understanding.

“How was your drive? Did you tell anyone where you were headed?”

“The drive was okay,” she said, dodging his second question. “But I’d like to return to Pristina before nightfall. These rural roads can turn treacherous quickly, and cell coverage is spotty.”

She didn’t voice the risks of their secret meeting—their isolation, the relentless march of time, her solo presence without backup. Tall pines and jutting rocks enclosed the space, giving the lakeside the air of a secluded fortress. On Lake Badovc, the boat became a private sanctuary, adrift from the chaos of their true worlds. Despite the urgency of their meeting, the pull between them was inescapable.

Inside the cabin, the decor was sparse: a table, chairs, a bench covered by a woolen rug, a radio, and a locker.

Sergei’s presence was a force strong enough to eclipse Kit’s mounting concerns. An electric charge filled the air, leaving her breathless. Memories of past meetings surged, vivid and intense. She relished the intoxicating bubble they’d stepped into but willed herself to keep sight of her objectives. Sergei’s importance extended beyond his attraction. He held the key to her solving the Morozov murder and understanding the complex motives of the Black Sun and Siberian Vipers. And she needed to know: Where did he stand in this labyrinth of shifting alliances and veiled threats? Her pulse quickened, not just from the nearness of Sergei, but also from the precipice of revelations she sensed they were on the brink of.

“My cousin Paige’s in town. An intern at the office is giving her the grand tour of Pristina. I can’t be gone too long without raising eyebrows,” she said.

“You have time,” he said.

She took a moment to center herself before diving into her questions. “Morozov’s murder. The intel suggests the Siberian Vipers and Black Sun may be involved. What do you know about them?”

“I’m aware of Black Sun’s failed Halloween attack on your peacekeepers. Your team did well—two arrests, zero casualties.


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